hugojmaia's Ratings and Reviews
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Super Minitroid by Noxus [SM Vanilla+], rated by hugojmaia on Jun 15, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
97% in 4:01
The reduced jump height and almost non-existent horizontal air speed without a running start make this a chore for some things.
Softlock by going into the tunnel leading to morph bombs right after getting off the ship. Can't perform alcatraz cause the lack of horizontal speed.
Had to bomb jump in order to reach sporespawn after getting charge, due to both lack of horizontal speed and jump height.
Managed to get to ice beam without speed by arm pumping.
Had to do some extensive shenanigans with ice to get speed.
Couldn't get wave without grapple.
Couldn't figure out how to get to krok after getting speed.
And that's sort of the gist of it, it became a puzzle of figuring out what I had access to and I couldn't get with the limitation.

Found the oob spot in the bottom right of the room prior to wave beam and also managed to drop oob in the krok room my first time returning from grapple.

The damage reduction is inconsistent, enemy weakness to certain ammo types is untouched, something to keep in mind.
Double missile requirement for red and green doors is super annoying.
Multiple bomb explosions required for some bomb blocks is also super annoying. These blocks also do not break with speed, power bombs or screw attack.

And I couldn't get the items on the left sand pit, no clue what I was supposed to do there.

Interesting hack, revert the speed and jump nerfs, address the "sticky" wall when turning away from it, address the oob glitch in the krok room (seems to be triggered by speed while on the floor), do away with the blocks requiring multiple bomb explosions, and revert door ammo count back to vanilla.
Samus dealing less damage to enemies is fine.