da crumblah
Release date: Sep 27, 2024
Author: neen
Download: da crumblah (40 downloads)
Genre: Spoof [?]
Game: SM
Difficulty: Expert [?]
Average runtime: Pending
Read Me: [None]
Forum Thread: [None]
Rating: Pending
Other Links: source code
all solid blocks (collision type 8) will now crumble when stepped on. they also are deleted when you contact them from the side.

there is emergent gameplay to be had, doors mean nothing, falling out of bounds happens often but is not always a death sentence. the only blocks that will crumble are type 8 (solid), so slopes, shot and bomb blocks, grapple blocks, etc, will not be affected.

who amongst you will conquer...............


source code is included, but this does not contain the level edits that were made, which are: landing site floor is safe, most boss rooms have safe floors, and ceres skip is applied. so for a more challenging experience you could build the patch from source. you might also consider applying black falcon's door patch to this hack, to fix graphical glitches that will arise from initiating door transitions from out of bounds or other unintended circumstances.
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