Metroid: Fastest Fusion
Release date: Jun 30, 2024
Author: Biospark, baria
Download: v1.0 (87 downloads)
Genre: Improvement [?]
Game: MF
Difficulty: Vanilla [?]
Average runtime: Pending
Read Me: [None]
Forum Thread: Release Thread
Rating: Pending
This is Metroid: Fastest Fusion, made by Biospark and directed by myself (baria)! It is a hack of the English release, and uses Den's Faster Fusion hack to remove the navigation/cutscene text and opening cutscene, which saved me a lot of work.

The hack includes the following changes:
-removed text at navigation rooms and in cutscenes
-speeds up the navigation room stops by eliminating the map reveal animations at the beginning of the cutscenes, as well as the target animations at the end
-gadoras (eye doors) never shoot beams, and have the shortest eye-open delay
-arachnus never rolls after screaming, which greatly reduces rolls in fights (most will be 0 roll)
-zazabi gives the fewest amount of jumps, and fewest amount of crawls before each set of jumps
-fastest animals cutscene rng
-yakuza always opens its mouth on the first round
-the aim lock bug is fixed (credit to AntyMew)
-The room next to the sector 4 diffusion data room is the Japanese version, which fixes the secret message shinespark skip, and makes the room less bad (:
-The end screen now shows your time down to the second, à la Zero Mission
- It defaults to stereo audio

Again, thanks to Biospark, Den, and AntyMew for making this possible, as well as Conner and CaptGlitch for helping me with editing the credits.
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