Hyper Metroid LLE
Release date: Sep 09, 2017
Download: Version 1.11, Unheadered (97 downloads)
Genre: Exploration [?]
Game: SM
Difficulty: Vanilla [?]
Average runtime: 3:06
Average collection: 82%
Read Me: Read Me
Forum Thread: Release Thread
Rating: Star Star Star Star Star
This fantastic mod of Hyper Metroid has been present over on Romhacking.net for quite a long time, however it has not been present on Metroid Construction. This mod was created by LexLuthermiester based on the amazing Hyper Metroid by RealRed. I hope that bringing this hack to Metroid Construction gives visibility to this great version of a classic.

Below is the main description as listed on the https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/3456/ page for the hack by LexLuthermiester:

Like the original LLE project, this mod was made to make Hyper Metroid less linear, at least as much as possible within the limitations of S.M.I.L.E., the editor for Super Metroid. Two different versions of S.M.I.L.E.[RF and JX] where used for various reasons. Thanks to everyone who’s made, worked on, and improved S.M.I.L.E. over the years.

Special thanks to “RealRed” for making Hyper Metroid. Indeed thanks to everyone from the Project Base group, which Hyper is based on!

A lot of work over the last 8 months has gone into this effort. Many things were tried, some worked, some didn’t. Hopefully those who play will enjoy it! See the Readme for more info!
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Ratings and Reviews
By Zhs2 on Mar 23, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Hyper Metroid but for babies. The Charge Beam room was removed (why???), many door caps were thrown out (sure removing X-Ray's door cap is convenient but it also removes the learning experience for the new item you just got), a platform was added so any noob could grab Supers early, and Screw Attack and Gravity Suit were relocated so any noob could grab them early. Power bombs are also grabbable early. Also introduces random inexplicable tiling errors in seemingly random places. Did not complete because I found some place in Tourian to infinite fall and generally just dropped this at that point. Eight months of development time btw (fun fact: did you know this is comparable to the development time for Hyper itself?). Highly recommend playing original Hyper instead.
By Kirarin on May 04, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
82% in 3:10
Hyper Metroid, fun version.

Very surprised this one barely got downloads and mention here. This halfhack fixes my main beef with the OG Hyper; way too linear. Sure the map is large, but you find yourself gapped by Supers or PBs. Not here. World is free to explore. Combined with keeping momentum and all the other juicy Project Base's mechanics, this is a great, liberating experience. In the original, you were "free", but you never knew if you where on the right track. Mission Rescue and Redesign (to some extent) are other hacks that has this problem for the first half of the game.

The natural successor of this mechanic and "going fast in an open world" is Super Duper, for example.

The overall difficulty was toned down, but since you can go mostly anywhere, you might find the original or harder difficulty depending which route you go. Kraid is no pushover if you don't explore first. The "intended" way got a smoother transition for me.

I agree with the new placement of Gravity, because if you consider Super Metroid, you get it before travelling water zones and after (here, right before if you explore) "second" boss, considering the original Hyper route I guess. I always felt the original Gravity's location a bit counterintuitive.

The only abusive thing was Screw Attack; felt it should be available later (it's too OP). I'd change it with Speed Booster, to make the experience even more open while keeping Screw useful for Tourian. The platform to Supers is whatever, because you can always IBJ or explore a bit and get HJ if you didn't have that platform. And I think all supers doors are gone, so again, the change doesn't hurt the game.

There's some goofy things that this hack didn't address by opening most of the game. You might enter Botwoon from the wrong place, but since there's a save nearby and you can keep mashing right to leave the door if you go out of transition you're fine. The escape you might find a softlock depending where you go in Crateria after saving the animals, since the creator opened most stuff, which makes me think this is more a 4.5/5 hack, but the fun I had playing it and agreeing with most changes outweigh the occasional lack of polish.

Even hacks that took years to develop don't know how to connect their world to make the experience more smoother or lack balance in difficulty/reward for exploration, and with Hyper LLE, anywhere you go you're bound to find useful stuff. I didn't play Hyper in more than five years and I had much more fun with this one than the original. Recommended.
By OmegaDragnet9 on Oct 18, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
81% in 3:03
Was this fun? And did it accomplish what it set out to do?

To start with, this was a fun and interesting playthrough and I suggest everybody try it at least once.

I would not recommend this as a first playthrough, for reasons I will detail. The OG Hyper Metroid and the Nintendit version are both better candidates for that.

What this gets right: in many places the level redesigns do in fact open Hyper's Zebes up in many places, especially Norfair and Maridia.

But the problem is this isn't true for every area. The first half the game, it felt more like a randomizer than an actual easy mode for newbies.

Crateria begins pretty straightforward. Most places were pretty accessible to begin with, so I didn't encounter too many obvious changes here.

Brinstar was where the most hiccups began. To be fair, this is where they mostly remained isolated, to the credit of the hack author.


First problem. Arbitrary gray doors that never unlock and force you to explore new areas instead of trusting the player to not fall back on old routes.

There is one such door in this area that makes you take the east path initially.

After killing Kraid and Spore Spawn it never unlocks.

I believe one such door was in Norfair as well.

Since I take this path, I go to Kraid pretty early on and that was pretty cool.

But the hack throws a curveball. Near Kraid I get Gravity Suit there, instead of in Maridia.

Cool right? This has implications for another item.

Far as I know, this isn't a new PLM. This switches with a smaller pickup in its spot in Maridia.

This is ok, unless you tried to be clever and tackle Maridia early, like many of us like to do.

Where this really breaks down is Screw Attack. I never found it. Likely it was switched with an ammo expansion somewhere on a path I didn't take, and visiting Tourian after clearing a certain few gates was rewarded with a well-intended middle finger in the form of said ammo expansion. I actually got a chuckle from that.

Back to Brinstar, there were two rooms that were accidentally moved on the map. Once I realized it was an oversight I was ok, but the earlier mentioned randomizer item logic made me believe at this early stage in the campaign that routes were radically altered.

As I progressed further this proved to NOT be the case. But it did leave me with the distinct feeling that Brinstar was still in need of TLC.

Next egregious oversight, Maridia and the Wrecked Ship. It really boils down to being able to access the top of Botwoon's room too early. Scrolls are not updated and you can't even get to the serpent through the walls if you could see where you are going.

Beyond this there are some slope errors introduced by the changes. But the new room layouts were attractive and consistent with RealRed's art style.

Is it fun? You better believe this was.

Did it accomplish what it set out to do? Yes and no.

Ordinarilly I would save these sort of detailed issues for a forum post, but this was more a RHDN thing that got shared to Metconst (and I'm glad it did.) I checked the forums, but I missed it a the time of writing this review.

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