Release date: Sep 23, 2023
Author: alexman25
Download: Download (110 downloads)
Genre: Spoof [?]
Game: M1
Difficulty: Unknown [?]
Average runtime: 0:01
Average collection: 0%
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Rating: Pending
The true sequel to NEStroid, featuring the natural evolution of its iconic level design practices!

Find the exit elevator to win! Good luck!

Inspired by Sunsette's Zebeth Bus hack!
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Ratings and Reviews
By RT-55J on Sep 24, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
0% in 0:01
alexman25 has done it again. following the refined minimalism of 2018's The Hallway, alexman25 gives us the most maximalist nestroid hack --- no, the most maximalistest metroid hack --- no, the most maximalistestistest search metroidvania keyring action game ever made, period.

Rouge Don, Metroid Miscue Riscue, Holla Night, and Aeternis Nocta all tremble in fear before the unbounded size and girth of this hack. Featuring a full 8196 screens of pure, unbridled, freeform exploration, this hack forces us to confront the consequences of our desires. Do we really want the largest game possible? Do we really want the most freeform game possible? Do we really want a game with no restrictions whatsoever? As we explore the hall and endless shafts of Eaeint, we are forced to contemplate these questions. Perhaps making the largest game possible is not desirable. Perhaps we do not want unlimited freedom. Perhaps the real fun in play is the friction that comes from pressing against the boundaries of our restraints, and the intimacy that is to be had in small, curated spaces. More than anyone else, alexman69 is forcing us to reconsider the dominant trends in open-world games in the modern games industry. Maybe Starfield and Friends would have been better with just 30 planets instead of 30000. Maybe Tears of King Dom didn't need that underground area to be the same size and scale as the overworld. Maybe the last third of Elden Ring's map could have been cut from the game with nothing of value being lost. Maybe an endless supply of content is not what gamers true crave, especially if it fails to differentiate itself in any meaningful way. Maybe the kids these days really just want Virtual Hydlide HD Remix. Thoughts like these flowed through my mind for a couple minutes until I broke down and opened the editor to find the exit.

I can't wait for what thought-provoking masterpieces alexman86 paints on the canvas of nestroid next. Truly the Packson Jollock of the modren age.

would rate this 5/5, but deducting 3 points because this is nestroid and somehow there are no bubbles (?????????????)

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