Metroid: Zero Mission+ [Rando Compatible]
Release date: Aug 07, 2023
Author: Meinos Belfort
Download: Version 1.1 (Latest) (248 downloads)
Download: Version 1.0 (60 downloads)
(33 downloads of previous versions)
Genre: Improvement [?]
Game: MZM
Difficulty: Vanilla [?]
Average runtime: Pending
Forum Thread: [None]
Rating: Pending
[PLEASE Read the file here for the list of change made !]

[The Screenshot is to show that's it's actually working as said , I actually finished that seed without any trouble , be aware that custom song or anything "not vanilla" related is possible to break , Old Version and 1.5 Random work well tho.]

Metroid: Zero Mission+ is an Extension patch concerning Metroid Zero Mission USA.
Making it slightly better than vanilla and more enjoyable, but the great part is
it's compatible with the randomizer [1.4 and above , 1.5 was tested and worked well with it].
making it the "first" hack compatible with the MZMRandom. allowing
you and others to play the randomizer with enchanced QoL.
Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot
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