Zero Mission: Wrieke Ullrhd
Release date: Apr 26, 2023
Author: alexman25
Download: Release 1.0 (372 downloads)
Download: Raw Files (33 downloads)
Download: NO REPOINTS (30 downloads)
Genre: Improvement [?]
Game: MZM
Difficulty: Vanilla [?]
Average runtime: 1:49
Average collection: 59%
Forum Thread: [None]
Rating: Pending
Release 1.0 - The hack as intended to be played by itself or used as hack base

NO REPOINTS - Minor differences meant for compatibility with Randomizer Plus and other hacks (General rule of thumb is to apply Wrieke Ullrhd second!)

RAW FILES - Just the palettes and raw gfx isolated on their own

My biggest problem with Zero Mission's art-style is probably the colors. The boring white lighting, the nauseating maroon outlines, the immersion-breaking blue filler, the boring de-saturated colors, and the overall lack of cohesion and depth between foreground and background elements.

Zero Mission: Wrieke Ullrhd is a hack that aims to remedy Metroid: Zero Mission's coloring problems. Most in-game palettes have been changed to both make the game look "better", as well as bringing the game more in-line with NEStroid and Super Metroid in terms of atmosphere.

Minor changes to some art have been made to fit the new palettes.

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Ratings and Reviews
By OmegaDragnet9 on Dec 10, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
59% in 1:49
Most the time I play on mGBA I've got the color correction mode on. In fact, with Zero Mission especially I have to do this because of how oversaturated certain palettes are in the game (Samus and Ronald McDonald look like they could be cousins.)

For this hack, I highly recommend you set the color correction to off.

I really appreciate the work alexman25 put into this. Almost every color palette is vastly improved (particularly Blue Brinstar, Samus's suits, and the Pirate Mother Ship.)

What was oversaturated has been significantly darkened, what was lacking saturation is far richer and the overall effect is so much better to look at.

I did feel Norfair was a bit too purple, but that was true to Nestroid.

While I appreciate the artistic direction, I felt the miniboss hideouts were each a bit too dominated by a single color. (I wouldn't change this, but maybe one day create an alternate that restores some of the grays in Kraid and spots in Tourian.) Even still, in those situations I mentioned, the new color schemes still looked really good. In a way it reminded me of how old Project Base had different palettes (these being more true to the source material.)

I honestly passed this one by for too long and I'm glad I finally gave it a fair chance.

I would love to see this integrated into a fork of Project ZM at some point.

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