Metroid: Zero Mission at Night
Release date: Jan 15, 2023
Author: alexman25
Download: .BPS File (149 downloads)
Genre: Challenge [?]
Game: MZM
Difficulty: Expert [?]
Average runtime: 0:00
Average collection: 0%
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Rating: Pending
An old hack I started a few years a go. Randomly decided to finish it now.

Most of the environment has been turned completely black.
Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot
Ratings and Reviews
By RT-55J on Feb 03, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
This is pretty much exactly what you would expect based off the screenshots. It's a neat challenge that is both a test of how much of ZM you have memorized, as well as how well you can use the beam to echolate. (I have to imagine that navigation gets exceptionally tricky if you ever get the wave beam.)

One interesting thing about how this was implemented is that it appears that instead of turning all of the background palettes to pure black, that all of the graphical tilemaps were deleted (while keeping the clipdata in place). This is most easily noticed with the Charge Beamst in the 2nd screenshot above.

As far as my progress is concerned, I got the Power Grip, made it back to the ship, and told myself that the Canon Ending to this is Samus saying to herself "hit da bricks" as she flies off in her spaceship.

Recommended for no more than 1 hour of playtime (unless you're blind, in which case this hack will have no noticeable differences to you).

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