Metroid Blue
Release date: Jan 07, 2023
Author: Roebloz
Download: Version 1.0.0 (110 downloads)
Genre: Vanilla+ [?]
Game: M1
Difficulty: Vanilla [?]
Average runtime: 2:21
Average collection: 95%
Read Me: [None]
Forum Thread: Release Thread
Rating: Pending
Metroid Blue, or Mebluetroid if you don't want to confuse it with Pokemon Blue (Because no, this is not a Pokemon-themed hack!) is a simple yet enjoyable vanilla hack of the original game, featuring a fully-redesigned map, new rooms, new palettes (What would be a vanilla hack without them?) and improvements over the vanilla game. (Most notably, you can pick up both Ice and Wave Beams at the same time and use them combined, and you start the game with full energy every time you respawn like in Metroid99. Thanks to Mariofan2468 for teaching me how to do these improvements)

Your goal in this hack is to save Samus's Nachos that have been stolen from her by the Blue Brain Unit on Planet Bluey after the events of Metroid: Operation Execution, and thus in revenge destroy the whole planet and its base of operations.

So if you are looking for a nice and simple hack of the original game that is a bit more on the easier side, look no further and play Metroid Blue today!
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Ratings and Reviews
By RT-55J on Feb 02, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
95% in 2:21
For a hack made in a couple days (according to the readme), this isn't half-bad, but a lot of big and little design decisions hampered my enjoyment of it.

In some ways, this hack feels like a throwback to the MetEdit era. The layout of the map is completely different from vanilla, but many screens are the same, giving it a similar sort of half-hack flavor that those old hacks had, except in the opposite way. For several years in the '00s, this would have been a strong contender for Nestroid hack of the year.

At the start I was pretty impressed with the design of Brinstar, but as the game went on I became increasingly frustrated with the overall layout and level design. Brinstar is a bit too sprawling as a hub area, which with the increased linearity in the game's progression makes for some annoying backtracking. Moreover, the other areas tend to lack helpful loops or shortcuts to maintain interest, meaning their lasting appeal is limited. Combine this with obnoxious enemy placement on certain screens and you have a hack where I felt like I was just going through the motions for the mid-game (Tourian is fine, FWIW).

Contrary to the hack description, Wave+Ice does not work properly.

Finished with 240 missiles and 6 energy tanks. Taking a cursory glance in Editroid, it appears I only missed one missile tank.

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