Metroid Zero Mission: OHKO
Release date: Jul 12, 2021
Author: Conner
Download: OHKO, 1.0 (509 downloads)
Genre: Challenge [?]
Game: MZM
Difficulty: Expert [?]
Average runtime: 1:06
Average collection: 45%
Read Me: [None]
Forum Thread: [None]
Rating: Pending
This hack was made as an ASM experiment.
The idea came from JRP, who complained about the other One hit K.O. ZM hack having modified missiles.

So here it is! A hack that kills you if you hit anything!! Fun!

There even is an option in the OPTIONS menu to remove all save stations
(except the ship!).

To make this more interesting and to actually get people playing.
If you beat this hack and actually accomplish something on your way to it,
(like idk... maybe 100% items in a pretty short time) you get a special reward.
(please dont look in MAGE ;-;)

Otherwise... have fun :)

patch on ZM U
Screenshot Screenshot
Ratings and Reviews
By Roija on Jul 14, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
45% in 1:06
As expected, pretty difficult. Most hardcore parts are Mother Brain's room (the way to get to her is insane, the moment when you dps her is actually ez) and the final escape mission I'd say, even though you can safe the last 2 grey pirates. Kraid/Ridley/Mecharidley are ez if you have enough super missiles.

I encountered several "issues" though :
-Ridley can grab you and it DOESNT KILL you. You just lose HP like normal.
-Another problem (maybe it's intended by the author, or maybe my game just went crazy) : the way to Ridley via the Fly (Imago) was BLOCKED. I just couldn't go this way : the plant at the ceiling near the elevator just wouldnt disappear after falling on the ground when dead, even though I did what you are supposed to do (ie take elevator twice). I even went back to Norfair and Brinstar, yet this path was still blocked. It doesn't soft lock you, you just have one less super missiles tank (which is extra relevant at this point cause you have 0, so Ridley is pretty much forced with max 4 super missiles instead of 6 [if you don't take the tank in Crateria if you have done Kraid before][once you are in Ridley, you can't leave without beating Ridley]). Long paragraph to say a path is blocked. This makes it so that ONCE YOU LEFT RIDLEY (through the path with the 2 morph ball accelerator machines), YOU CANT GO BACK TO RIDLEY without Power bombs. It's important to know if you want screw attack without being forced to go back all the way to upper Brinstar to get the varia suit (to take the path behind the hi-jump)

Challenge similar to zeroing the game but a bit faster since you have firepower.

Tip for those who are considering playing it : take a deep breath before Mother brain. I don't think Kraid first or Ridley first is important. If you want some motivation, know that the final screen has something special ;)

Very good challenge, I recommend

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