Super Metroid 9yin Version 2
Release date: Oct 01, 2019
Author: GuduJimoYigeren
Download: v20191013 (484 downloads)
Genre: Exploration [?]
Game: SM
Difficulty: Veteran [?]
Average runtime: 4:02
Average collection: 72%
Read Me: [None]
Forum Thread: Release Thread
Rating: Star Star Star Star Star
This is a Super Metroid hack by[GuduJimoYigeren]from China, released at October 1, 2019
This hack is the sequel of the [Super Metroid Ultimate Hidden Version]!!

The author says it's going to be more abnormal this time!!
Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot
Ratings and Reviews
By kkzero on Mar 24, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
The .thing in the download is actually a .rar.
Not that it matters much anyway since this is just a troll halfhack with spikes and crumble blocks.
By Sapphron on Jun 22, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
72% in 4:02
Shit hack, but better than 9yin Version 1 AKA Ultimate Hidden Version.
Couldn't find Ice, Wave, or Plasma in any of this so I had to PB the metroids.
Some item locations were stupid, lots of crumble blocks, etc. not fun to play.
Little bit of hellrun, lot of suitless Maridia.
You're required to know a lot of tech about this game including how to execute a ceiling clip, green gate glitch, grapple hitbox manipulation, and more. Didn't find any stucks, surprisingly.
Do not recommend.
By MetroidNerd#9001 on Apr 28, 2022 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
When I booted up the hack and saw that the landing site expected me to do some blind jumps, then it had the audacity to expect me to trust it by having me run on air, I knew I wouldn't enjoy it. I promptly closed the game and deleted all traces of it from my computer.

Do not play this hack.
By FANXINGPRIME on Apr 15, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
It's more difficult than Super Metroid 9yin Version and Fusion 9yin Version,you will suffer torment once you play it.

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