Menu Hack
Release date: Dec 07, 2007
Author: Trunaur68
Download: Version 1.0 (915 downloads)
Genre: Improvement [?]
Game: MZM
Difficulty: Unknown [?]
Average runtime: 0:00
Average collection: 0%
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A hack for MZM which enables the debug function that allows you to toggle equipment on and off. Additionally, it will also allow you to toggle suits on and off(something the debug function didn’t do) as well as a color fix for the fully powered suit for when you toggle the gravity suit off.
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Ratings and Reviews
By MetroidNerd#9001 on Aug 17, 2019 (Star Star Star Star Star )
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This is how ZM's menu should have worked in the actual game. Not overly useful, but it's nice to have. At it's best when it's an addition to another hack.
By Sapphron on Nov 17, 2019 (Star Star Star Star Star )
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This is a great idea and echoing what MetroidNerd said, how it really should've worked in original ZM.
Did not finish/start.
Recommend? If you're thinking of patches to put in your ZM hack this should be one of them.
By kkzero on Feb 27, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
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Literally in MAGE. But yeah it's really useful.

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