Final Fantasy Chaos Realm
Release date: Apr 19, 2007
Author: ronaldo79
Download: Version 1.0 (1247 downloads)
Download: Map (1479 downloads)
Genre: Exploration [?]
Game: M1
Difficulty: Veteran [?]
Average runtime: 1:46
Average collection: 0%
Read Me: [None]
Forum Thread: [None]
Rating: Star Star Star Star Star
Most graphics have been changed
Full level edit

Same level of challenge, maybe a little more. Edit: I made some mistakes with item order so if you die there may be glitches. Just use save states if u die.
Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot
Ratings and Reviews
By MetroidMst on Apr 18, 2015 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
For a NEStroid hack, this was actually pretty silly and fun, if slightly more difficult than the original game. You would probably get more out of it if you were familiar with Final Fantasy though. Also the character sprite has some nasty little GFX errors going on too, but nothing game breaking.

Was an enjoyable experience to an extent, but probably not one I would go back to.
By Sapphron on Nov 02, 2019 (Star Star Star Star Star )
% in 2:00
Eh, this was decent.
Graphics were really nice. Norfair was a really confusing maze but the map was provided so it made it much easier. I skipped Kraid, Tourian was pretty simple but a little longer than usual.
Overall, decent hack.
Somewhat recommend.
time is rta
By RT-55J on Jun 04, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
% in 1:33
Silly little crossover hack. Decently crafted, some jank aside (like the nasty GFX errors one the player sprites).

A map was provided, so I played with it in the background. The map design is a little spread out, and the areas overlap sometimes, but the map layouts are fundamentally pretty simple compared to the original, with only a couple exceptions (like a one-way door here and there). Maybe I shouldn't have used the map (idk).

I lost like 15 minutes of time because the Ice Beam did not spawn in its backup position behind the statues, meaning I had to trek all the way to the Norfair Ice Beam to get it. That kinda spoils my mood to recommend it to be honest, though it's probably fixable.

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