Escape from Metroid Zero Mission
Release date: Feb 18, 2009
Author: uNsane
Download: Version 1.02 UPS (1390 downloads)
Download: Version 1.02 (1414 downloads)
Genre: Unknown [?]
Game: MZM
Difficulty: Unknown [?]
Average runtime: 2:17
Average collection: 37%
Read Me: [None]
Forum Thread: Forum Thread
Rating: Star Star Star Star Star
Quite possibly the most absurdly difficult hack ever created is finished.

I've never played Impossible or the original Escape from Metroid, but this hack is absurd.

Just by downloading, you die twice.

Key items you can get:
* Morph Ball
* Bombs
* Missiles
* Super Missiles
* Power Bombs
* Varia*
* Gravity
* Space Jump*
* Plasma Beam
* High Jump*
* Screw Attack*
* Speed Booster
* Ice Beam

Items with * are not required and are generally very difficult to find/reach.

Required abilities:
* Single-wall walljumping
* Climbing on frozen Metroids
* Savestates. Seriously.

I included both an ips and a ups.
No Screenshots Provided
Ratings and Reviews
By enajor66 on May 12, 2017 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
This hack is a fucking bitch!!! I know he says its hard, but it is freaking unbeatable!
By Multi-Man on Jul 07, 2019 (Star Star Star Star Star )
27% in 0:50
Escape from Metroid Zero Mission starts out very hard but by the time you get bombs and ice beam all of the challenge is essentially gone.

Also Ridley, Tourian, and Chozodia remain unchanged.
By MetroidNerd#9001 on Jul 09, 2019 (Star Star Star Star Star )
40% in 1:04
This hack is annoyingly difficult at the beginning, with some stupid points of progression, but it becomes a lot less annoying once you get Ice beam, then it just becomes vanilla Zero Mission. The beginning of the hack made me hate Metroids more than any other hack I've played, but then it just became a meh hack. The new tileset looks ok, but some other parts look terrible. Overall, it's ok once you get past the beginning, but still not recommended.
By alexman25 on Aug 14, 2019 (Star Star Star Star Star )
39% in 6:04
It was good for it's time.
By caauyjdp on Jan 08, 2020 (Star Star Star Star Star )
41% in 1:11
Played around with this for about 4 hours.

First room is definitely the most interesting one, you get to experiment with metroid ai and rng, but once you get past it gets kind of boring.
There's some minor problems once you get past it:
You can get stuck in the 2nd room if you get locked into crouched position without morph.
One of the doors is set up wrong so you're never actually required to climb on frozen metroids.
Another door is accessible while it probably(two rooms were changed so it might have been intended) shouldn't, which allows you to get power grip and skip mb.
Some events are broken somehow, long beam navigation statue doesn't remember it's been activated and glass tube doesn't become breakable after charlie.

It was interesting that out of three unknown items only plasma was enabled before charlie.

Savestates are not necessary. It'd help if hacks like this started with a save room to skip repeating the ship landing cutscene but what can you do.

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