; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ; ///////// Disable Pause in Boss Room //////// ; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ; Written By Charmander106 with help from PJBoy's Disassembly! ; Description: This patch is to disable going into the pause menus when inside a boss room. ; This is useful if you want an challenge but also to hide the buggy pause menus ; if you are using DC's Map Patch. LoROM org $90EA45{ ; Our Hijack point. JMP $F640 } org $90F640{ ; PHP : REP #$30 LDA $0CEE : BNE Return ; Diable pause if Power bomb is in use. LDA $0A78 : BNE Return ; Diable pause if samus is healing from reserves, or if the X-Ray Scope is in use. LDA $0797 : BNE Return ; Diable pause if going through a door transition. LDA $079F : CMP #$0006 : BEQ Return ; Check if samus is in Ceres. LDA $0998 : CMP #$0008 : BNE Return ; Load game state, check if game state is set to normal gameplay. LDA $8F : BIT #$1000 : BEQ Return ; Load buttons pressed for controller #1, check for if start button is pressed. LDA $179C : BNE Skip : JMP GotoMap ; Branch if entered into boss arena. Skip: SEP #$20 : TAX : LDA BossBitTable,x : STA $05D5 : LDX $079F : LDA $7ED828,x : BIT $05D5 : BEQ Return GotoMap: REP #$20 : LDA #$0001 : STA $0723 : STA $0725 : LDA #$000C : STA $0998 Return: PLP : RTS BossBitTable: db $00, $01, $04, $01, $02, $01, $02, $01, $01, $02, $02 }