LoROM ;====================================================; ;//[writes the reserve numbers] org $828F73 JSR ReserveCacheI JSR ReserveCacheII PLP : RTS ;// org $82A162 LDA #$0002 ;//this is the magic number to stop reading TILEMAP_RESERVETANK ;//[samus reserves] org $82B3BE STA $7E3ACC ;//first digit org $82B3C9 STA $7E3ACA ;//second digit org $82B3D3 STA $7E3AC8 ;//third digit ;====================================================; ;====================================================; ;//[reserve tilemaps] org $82BF06 ;//[this is now freespace] dw $FFFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$FFFF TILEMAP_MODE: dw $2519,$251A,$251B TILEMAP_MANUAL1: dw $3D46,$3D47,$3D48,$3D49 TILEMAP_RESERVETANK: dw $0CA3 ;//this is using : ;//[these are vanilla] TILEMAP_MANUAL2: dw $3D46,$3D47,$3D48,$3D49 TILEMAP_AUTO: dw $3D56,$3D57,$3D58,$3D59 ;====================================================; ;//[points to enabled items tilemap in ram (dw $yyxx)] org $82C068 dw $3A88 ;//mode dw $3ACE ;//reservetank ;//[pointers to tilemap pointers] org $82C088 dw $BF12 dw $BF20 ;//[reserve bar animation related] org $82C1D6 ; |=[x position bar 1] ; | |=[x position bar 2] ; | | |=[x position bar 3] ; | | | |=[x position bar 4] ; | | | | |=[x position "bar 5"] ; | | | | | |=[x position for end of all bars??] ; | | | | | | |=[y position of all bars] ; dw $0018,$0020,$0028,$0030,$0038,$0040,$0060 ;//[serious problems compiling, so product placement] org $82B2FD LDA $FBC0,y ;//reserveani TAX LDY org $82B35A LDA $FBC0,x ;//reserveani TAX LDY org $82B375 LDA $FBC0,x ;//reserveani TAX LDY org $82B38E LDA $FBC0,x ;//reserveani TAX LDY ;//[row 0C] org $B6EB00 ;| added 4 boxes | dw $0000,$1D6C,$3D6F,$1CFC,$1CFC,$1CFC,$1CFC,$1CFC,$1CFC,$1CFC,$1CFC ;//[this is supposed to be the end tile for the reserve boxes] ;//[you might want to edit the size of the boxes] ;//[or combine the bar with the supply frame, else it doesn't look right] ;dw $3CFE ;====================================================; ;====================================================; ;//[Free space ($74 bytes)] org $82FBC0 ReserveAni: ;| added 3 bars | dw $0018,$0020,$0028,$0030,$0038,$0040,$0048,$0050,$0058,$0060 ReserveCacheII: LDA #$0CA3 ;//same tile as tilemap_reserve STA $7E3ACE ;// LDX #$0000 LDA $09D6 ;//samus reserves BRA $06 ReserveCacheI: LDX #$0008 LDA $09D4 ;//samus max reserves STA $4204 SEP #$20 LDA #$64 STA $4206 PHA : PLA : PHA : PLA REP #$20 LDA $4214 CLC : ADC #$0804 ;//magic number STA $7E3AC8,x ;//first digit LDA $4216 STA $4204 SEP #$20 LDA #$0A STA $4206 PHA : PLA : PHA : PLA REP #$20 LDA $4214 CLC : ADC #$0804 ;//magic number STA $7E3ACA,x ;//second digit REP #$20 LDA $4216 CLC : ADC #$0804 STA $7E3ACC,x ;//third digit PLP : PHP : REP #$30 RTS ;//return