Welcome to Metroid Construction, the ultimate resource for all things Metroid hacking related. Started on the 19th February 2009, Metroid Construction has aimed to be the central spot for all things Metroid hacking related. Feel free to join us on the forums! For real-time conversation, use the chat link above to join our Discord server. If you're a curmudgeonly old man who prefers their chatrooms sparse, you can also use an IRC client to connect to #metconst on irc.esper.net. We hope to see you around!

Site restoration
Posted on Oct 02, 2024 by thedopefish

Thanks for bearing with us. As you can see, the main site is up and should be fully functional. Forums are also up and should be fully functional, except that it's got a generic theme for now so it looks weird.

Download links on both are mostly still broken. We have a plan underway that should fix all of the hack downloads, and as many of the resource downloads as possible. Screenshots will be more challenging, so we're considering a community effort to take new ones for a bunch of hacks--stay tuned for more information when we're ready for that.

Unfortunately, it's likely impossible to recover all the old forum attachments. RIP in pieces :(

Technical Difficulties
Posted on Sep 30, 2024 by thedopefish

Something happened to our server recently. Forums are currently down, and download links for hacks and resources are broken. Still investigating what happened and attempting to bring everything back up.

Starbase Contest
Posted on Aug 31, 2024 by thedopefish

Voting has completed, so congratulations to T O U R O F I T A L Y for winning the Starbase Contest! Download it here

Check out the contest details and the other 10 entries here

And if you play any of the hacks yourself, don't forget to post a review on the main site!

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