~Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.~ ~Ephesians 4:32~ #Metroid: HD Version 2.1# -Many thanks to KYA and Cubear for extensive support in developing this hack. Also, many thanks to Sour for creating the Mesen emulator. -This pack provides enhanced graphics, music, and sound effects for the NES game, Metroid. It should be used with the latest version of the Mesen NES emulator. -To summarize, this is a hack that builds upon many other hacks. I do not claim credit for some of the work many others have done in prior hacks that have helped make this possible. -I also do not claim credit for the Mesen emulator that allows this HD pack to work. Read the credits section for more information on the many individuals who have helped make this possible. -ALSO, SUPPORT NINTENDO BY BUYING OFFICIAL NINTENDO PRODUCTS!!! This is a fan made labor of love that is only intended to pay tribute to the Metroid series (like fan fiction, or fan art). -Keep in mind, this pack is merely a MOD. This hack does not work as a game on its own. Think of it like a Minecraft texture pack. -This pack should remain free, and should not be used for commercial gain. #Changelog# -Version 2.1 -Increased the speed of the running physics in the default pack. The "AlternateArtAndMusic" folder now contains assets that can be used to revert settings back to the slower speed of a vanilla Metroid NES game if needed. -Altered default HUD artwork, Power-Up notifications, and timer that shows after defeating Mother Brain. -Added alternate HUD options to "AlternateArtAndMusic" folder. -Reduced volume of default jump sound. -Reduced volume of footstep sound. -Fixed palette glitch that can occur in Blue/Gold Brinstar room. -Added new Screw Attack sound effect options in the "AlternateArtAndMusic" folder. -Minor adjustments made to Zero Suit artwork. -Added classic green hair Zero Suit (Justin Bailey) Samus in the "AlternateArtAndMusic" folder. -Added a "no map" Pause Screen option in the "AlternateArtAndMusic" folder. -Adjusted Power Beam and Ice Beam graphics for Zero Suit Samus. -Fixed glitch that sometimes occurs when Dragon enemies are hurt. -Version 2.0 - Too Many Changes to List Everything - Pack Was Re-Written from the Ground-Up - Noteworthy Improvements Are Below. -Nearly all artwork adjusted or replaced in some way. -Added top and bottom layer art to break up the monotony of game tiles. -Added frames for Samus movement animations. -Added frames for multiple enemies. -Overhauled the pause screen - Added area descriptions, power-up indicators, and artwork surrounding the game map. -Overhauled ending screen. -Overhauled Game Over screen. -Overhauled boss artwork and added frames. -Improved title screen explosion. -Added unique open and close sounds for the doors. -Added black screen transitions for the doors. -Added fog effects and lava glow effects in various areas. -Added notifications for when Samus is collecting a Power-Up. -HUD now flashes red when Samus is low on power. -AnalogSynth music now default. -A red alarm flash now occurs during the escape sequence. -New Orchestral sound folder now available as an alternate track (special thanks to VGmusic Revisited, JUD6MENT, The Noble Demon, and the Blake Robinson Symphonic Orchestra). -Version 1.5 -Increased frame count for heat wave effects in Norfair and Ridley's lair. -Most enemies now disappear during door transitions - No more cheap Rinka door deaths (special thanks to P0ZN0). -More predictable bomb laying mechanic (special thanks to P0ZN0). -Fixed glitch with the wave beam and ice beam icons shown at the file select screen (special thanks to delta7890). -Fixed graphic glitch that occurs with frozen Rinkas when the player is using the Zero suit (special thanks to delta7890). -Fixed graphic glitch that occurs with energy pickups in Tourian when the player is using the Zero suit (special thanks to delta7890). -Fixed graphic glitch that occurs with red doors in Tourian when the player is using the Zero suit (special thanks to delta7890). -Minor adjustment to music volume level. -Minor pitch adjustment for "GotAnItem" sound file (special thanks to Spooniest). -Version 1.4 -Remastered artwork for automap. -Automap location icon is now animated with a glowing effect. -Modified artwork for Rippers, Zoomers, Wavers, Skrees, Rios, and Metroids. -Increased frame count for Metroids and added 80% transparency to green skin. -Modified artwork for armored Samus. -Modified artwork for Fusion suit. -Modified artwork for missiles. -Modified Norfair heat wave effect. -Modified artwork for blue platforms and room tiles in Tourian. -Modified icons for game over screen and save select screen. -A minor modification was made to armored Samus in the 8Bit-troid pack. -Fixed Megatroid end screen glitch for completion times greater than three hours. -Fixed music glitch in room above Tourian. -Fixed graphic glitch that occurs during Kraid battle with Varia suit. -Fixed graphic glitch that occurs when freezing fake Kraid with Pink Suit Samus. -Fixed graphic glitch that occurs in the upper left-hand corner of the screen when using the automap. -Fixed graphic glitch that occurs when selecting missiles with the Fusion suit. -Fixed graphic glitch in the Kraid area that occurs with green plants. -Fixed graphic glitch that occurs when bombing Metroids. -Fixed graphic glitch that occurs with Zero Suit in Tourian when energy units appear. -Fixed graphic glitch that occurs when Rios explode. -Reduced volume of enemy explosion sound effect. -Version 1.3 -The number of frames used for the Samus run animation has been increased (special thanks to KYA). -The jumping art for Samus has been updated (special thanks to mkwong98). -The "minimap" is now an "automap" (special thanks to KYA). -The download bundle now includes pre-assembled zip files for alternate templated graphics. -Fusiontroid -Megatroid -8Bit-troid -Altered art for Geega enemies. -The game now includes a small area that is new and secret. Hint - it is located in Brinstar and it will not be shown on the map. -Small bug fixes. -The background in Norfair has been slightly brightened. -Blue face statues in Brinstar have been improved. -The death animation has been improved. -Minor modification to the automap "red dot." -Minor modification to title screen "explosion." -An alternate ice beam sound is available in the alternate "SoundEffects" folder. -New music for the Ridley and Brinstar areas is available in the alternate "Music" folder. -Version 1.2 -Altered the structure and appearance of the transition room between “blue” and “gold” Brinstar (inspiration was taken from Retroid by ProjectXVIII). -Altered the appearance of the "blue" statue room in Brinstar. -Altered the structure of the Ridley boss fight room. -Modified art for armored Samus, some environment elements (various brick tiles), and some enemies (Zebs and Lava-Dragons). -Various bug fixes. -Made minor modification to lava animation. -Version 1.1 -Adjusted run animation and character sprites for both the armored suit and "Zero Suit." -Modified art for some environment tiles. -Various bug fixes. -New character templates are available in the alternate graphics folder. -Rebalanced sound. -Modified sound effects for running and jumping. -New sound effect for lava damage. -New music is available in the alternate music folder. *Note: Adjustments have been made to the default music for the areas indicated below. If you prefer variants from the prior revision of this pack, they are still available in the alternate music folder. -Norfair -Evacuate Theme -Credits #Getting Started# -Obtain the necessary ROM file: You must supply your own legitimate North American ROM of Metroid for NES. A copy of the necessary ROM will not be provided in this pack. I DO NOT SUPPORT PIRACY! -Failure to obtain a legitimate copy of the ROM may result in a swarm of burly FBI agents rappelling through your bedroom window. -The agents will likely seize your computer as well as your creepy anime figurine collection. Don't say I didn't warn you. !!THE PACK MUST BE USED WITH A ROM THAT HAS A SHA-1 CHECKSUM OF ecf39ec5a33e6a6f832f03e8ffc61c5d53f4f90b!! If the checksum does not match exactly, the pack will not operate correctly!! -Download the latest version of the Mesen 2 NES emulator. -Open the Mesen emulator by clicking on "Mesen.exe" file. -Navigate to "Options," then "Video," and ensure the box next to the "Use HDNes HD packs" is checked. -In the same "Video" menu, I also suggest turning Vertical Sync on to ensure a smooth gameplay experience (this is optional). -If you haven't already done so, navigate to "Options," then "Input" to configure your input settings. I recommend using a controller if possible. -Navigate to "File," then "Open." -Find your ROM of Metroid and double click on it to begin the game. -Navigate to "Tools," then "Install HD Pack." -Locate the "MetroidHD.zip" file and double click on it. -The emulator should prompt you to reset. When this occurs, select "OK." -Press F11 if you wish to use Fullscreen mode. -If you have completed the steps above correctly, the game should not be running with enhanced graphics and sound. -Enjoy! #Prerequisites# -I haven't tested this hack on extremely low powered PCs. So, the HD pack may not run well if your computer is under powered. In short, if you have a toaster for a PC, you may experience performance issues :) -A legitimate ROM of Metroid for NES (again, you must obtain this on your own). -Refusing to obtain a legitimate copy may also result in many scary things like viruses, spyware, ransomware, and lizard armies. -Overweight hackers will likely reach through your computer monitor and challenge you to an unwinnable game of thumb wrestling. Do not accept the challenge. It is not what it seems. #Built With# -This HD pack was created with Photoshop CS6, Audacity, Notepad, Microsoft Excel, Lunar IPS, Tile Layer Pro, Editroid (created by snarfblam), and the "HD Pack Builder" feature and debugging features of the Mesen NES Emulator. #Credits# -My work in this hack involved spending many hours remastering graphics from various sources to make them work in the proper format. -I tried to stay as close as possible to a consistent art style that reflects work done in the official series - Not too cartoony, but also not too photorealistic. -Arranging the PNG files in a way Mesen could read them was interesting and was like putting together a very complicated puzzle. -I then used various features of Mesen to debug and enhance the pack with more advanced conditions via the bundled "hire.txt" and ".ips" files. -I also used Editroid to make minor layout adjustments to a couple of areas within the game. -Tile Layer Pro was useful in eliminating certain "ghost" glitches caused by the base graphics. -In addition, my efforts involved selecting, converting, trimming, and making small adjustments to sound files that were utilized for custom music and custom sound effects. -Versions of the music tracks do exist with a full-blown orchestra. However, I do not believe those types of versions fit well in this patch (even though Mesen has the capability to handle "higher" quality music). -Lastly, I also merged the existing Metroid mOTHER+99 hack by Maximum Potion and Psyklax into the final product. -To all of you Candy Crush players who think the original Metroid is way too difficult - you're welcome :P -KYA: Performed the heavy lifting with programming. The following would not have been possible without KYA's extensive support. KYA also assisted with debugging. -Custom start and ending screen. -"Five frame" running animation functionality. -Custom backgrounds for gameplay (the standard game simply uses a black background). -Custom music. -Custom sound effects. -Automap functionality. -Integrating many prior hacks into the unified package. *Be sure to check out KYA's Castlevania HD pack at: https://yadi.sk/d/0zE50gqu3ZECcj -Sour: Developed the Mesen NES emulator. -mkwong98: Provided assistance in implementing an improved jumping animation for Samus. -Cubear: Provided programming support needed for the Mother Brain explosion sound as well as the opening and closing door sounds. -Nintendo: This one should be obvious - they created the Metroid series and most of the original artwork for the series. -Unless it is mentioned in the "Additional Credits" section, I probably used an existing sprite as a starting point when remastering something. -P0ZN0: Helped with door mechanic improvements. Most enemies now disappear during door transitions - No more cheap Rinka door deaths! Also, helped implement a more predictable bomb laying mechanic. *Be sure to check out P0ZN0's Super Mochtroid hack out at: https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/5463/ -Spooniest: Helped adjust the pitch for one of the "GotAnItem" .ogg files. -delta7890: Identified a number of graphic glitches that required adjustment. -snarfblam, Infinity's End, DemickXII, dACE, Maximum Potion, and Psyklax: These individuals created hacks that enhanced the original Metroid experience (animated environments, save functionality, beam stacking, etc.). Details are below. Metroid + Saving (v 0.3) - snarfblam: http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/1186/ Minimap Savefiles Beamstacking Better icebeam and bombs MDbtroid - Infinity’s End: http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/1219/ Nicer titlescreen Nicer endings Updated run animation Updated player sprite (suited and suitless) Updated enemy sprites Enlarged and updated Kraid and Ridley Updated Mother Brain Various updated tiles ‘Roidz - DemickXII: http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/1240/ Nicer background tiles Animated lava, doors and elevators Animated corridors Animated Norfair (Ridley level) Animated Tourian (Mother Brain level) Various updated tiles Metroid mOTHER - dACE: https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/1988/ Created one big hack that allowed all three hacks above to work together Metroid 99 - Maximum Potion: https://www.romhacking.net/community/1075/ Full player health when starting and continuing Metroid mOTHER+99 - Psyklax: https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/3640/ Full player health when starting and continuing (integrated into the Metroid mOTHER hack) #Additional Credits# -Some additional sources for art and music needed to be more heavily modified than others to fit in the context of this HD pack. A list is available below of additional sources that were used for art and music. -Rev 2.0 ending screen sky: Thanks to Norma2D. https://twitter.com/norma_2d/status/1374371658920722441/photo/1 -Rev 2.0 ending screen Samus. Thanks to Kercy: https://twitter.com/KdeKercy/status/1636192811136475138/photo/1 -Rev 2.0 Samus Art: Thanks to Omegachaino. https://www.deviantart.com/omegachaino/art/Metroid-walk-pixel-upgrade-707544847 -Rev 2.0 Mother Brain and Kraid: Thanks to Phill Gonzales. https://www.artstation.com/artwork/e060J6 -Rev 2.0 Environment Tiles: Thanks to Hyrule452. https://www.deviantart.com/hyrule452/art/Metroid-Brinstar-NES-883198274 -Rev 2.0 Pause Screen UI: Note - While, TeamSCU did not have direct involvement in Metroid: HD, elements of the pause screen UI are adjusted variants from Prime 2D. -Rev 2.0 Pause Screen Samus With Armor: Thanks Physix. https://pixeljoint.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=26233 -Rev 2.0 Pause Screen Samus Zero Suit: Thanks to Raidouzero. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/137922807324076258/ -Rev 2.0 Ridley: Thanks to Chad. https://twitter.com/cornchipwarrior/status/1613719121388003329/photo/1 -Rev 2.0 Chozo Pillars: Thanks to Hydorah. https://www.spriters-resource.com/custom_edited/metroidcustoms/sheet/80885/ -Rev 2.0 Game Over Screen: Thanks to Miguel Blanco. https://wall.alphacoders.com/big.php?i=1136440 -Rev 2.0 Alternate Orchestral Music Conversion: Thanks to JUD6MENT. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgNpvG1jbT90XIaZRrEdMig -Rev 2.0 Alternate Orchestral Music: Thanks to VGmusic Revisited. https://www.youtube.com/@vgmusicrevisited8668/videos -Rev 2.0 Alternate Orchestral Music - Ridley Boss: Thanks to The Noble Demon. -Rev 2.0 Alternate Orchestral Music - Kraid Boss: Thanks to The Blake Robinson Symphonic Orchestra. -Ending screen rev 1.0: Thanks to VariaZim. This pack uses heavily modified background work from art originally created for the AM2R "cover": https://variazim.deviantart.com/art/AM2R-Cover-art-660934493 -Fusion end screen: Special thanks to Infinity's End: https://www.deviantart.com/metroiddatabase/art/The-Suits-of-Samus-Aran-199677973 -8-Bit running animation: Special thanks to Omegachaino https://www.deviantart.com/omegachaino/art/Metroid-Walk-Upgrade-703095424 -Chozo statue: Thanks to WIP. https://rpgmaker.net/games/2/images/10780/ -Fusion Samus variant: Thanks to Rundas45: https://www.deviantart.com/darkwalkerunleashed/art/Metroid-Unleashed-Samus-new-Design-376085286 -For the Zero Suit Samus sprites - Limitations with the scale and rendering method of the game required reductions and alterations to these art sources. Most would probably agree they look much better in the original form. *Check out the original picture files in all their glory using the link at the right of each entry to view the impressive work done by these artists. -Zero Suit Samus facing forward: Thanks to Exaelart. https://exaelart.deviantart.com/art/Samus-Aran-Zero-Suit-446508701 -Zero Suit Samus facing to the side: Thanks to Riklaionel. https://riklaionel.deviantart.com/art/Samus-Zero-Suit-SSB4-512421596 -Zero Suit Samus in ending screen: Thanks to elgwen. https://www.deviantart.com/art/Samus-587652038 -Kraid theme music: Thanks to strugglepoo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gW0AlJoeiPw -Title screen music (and all "AnalogSynth" music): Thanks to Luminist. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6fceLfjB4s -Brinstar theme music: Thanks to Jorge Fuentes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hiedtn2MVcg -Credits theme: Thanks to Patricio Herrera. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4OVX8fgwzg -Brinstar theme variant 1: Thanks to Metaquarius. http://old.metroidconstruction.com/patches.php?x=top -Brinstar theme variant 2: Thanks to Patricio Herrera. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xL1lxLxtNWw -Brinstar theme variant 3: Thanks to kottpower. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIc4j-EGrQ4 -Norfair theme variant: Thanks to Patricio Herrera. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekGq85P1W0I -Ridley theme variant: Thanks to Metaquarius. http://old.metroidconstruction.com/patches.php?x=top -Evacuate theme variant: Thanks to PikaXRich Mixer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94xTBvgMhZw&t=142s #Alternate Art and Music# -There should be a folder included in this download that is titled "AlternateArtAndMusic." -Inside you will find various folders. Inside the sub folders are ".ogg" files for music. -If you are interested in substituting music or sound effects: -First, install the HD Pack using the "Getting Started" instructions above. -Open the "HdPacks" folder that should be in the same location as the "Mesen.exe" file. -Double click on the folder that pertains to Metroid (I recommend backing this up in case something goes wrong or in case you wish to revert to default settings). -Inside should be many files including ".ogg" files and ".png" files. -Drag the ".ogg" file that you wish to substitute from "AlternateArtAndMusic" to the Metroid folder inside the "HdPack" folder location. -The system should ask if you want to replace a ".ogg" file with the same name. -Select "OK." -If you have completed the steps above correctly, the game should now be running with alternate music or sound effects. -You can create your own music and/or sound effects if you know how to create ".ogg" files. I recommend checking out Audacity as a starting point if you are unfamiliar with this. -For music, keep in mind that any ".ogg" files that you create on your own should be constructed where looping is as seamless as possible. #Alternate HD Pack Templates# -To use the alternate zip files which contain pre-assembled custom graphics and sound, navigate to the folder named "AlternateHDPacks" located in the "AlternateArtAndMusic" folder. -Copy and un-zip the three included alternate packs to your Mesen "HdPacks" folder. -Make three additional copies of your Metroid ROM. -Make sure that each copy of your ROM file name matches a folder name of each pre-assembled pack (after step one, there should be three alternate sub-folders in your Mesen "HdPacks" folder). -Navigate to Mesen, File, then open one of the ROMs that matches the name of the pre-assembled zip file of your choice. -If you have completed the steps above correctly, the game should now be running with alternate graphics and sound. #Legal# Permission to use, copy, modify and/or distribute this HD pack in both binary and source form, for non-commercial purposes, is hereby granted without fee, providing that this license information and copyright notice appear with all copies and any derived work. This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event shall the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software or derivatives of this software. Metroid: HD is freeware for PERSONAL USE only. Commercial users should seek permission of the copyright holders first. Commercial use includes, but is not limited to, charging money for Metroid: HD or software derived from Metroid: HD, including Metroid: HD or derivatives in commercial game bundles, and/or using Metroid: HD as a promotion for your commercial product. Bug fixes and improvements to the pack should be forwarded to the author so everyone can benefit from the modifications in any future versions. Metroid, Nintendo, Super NES, and Super Nintendo Entertainment System are trademarks of Nintendo Co., Limited and its subsidiary companies.