Game Timer
Release Date: Dec 10, 2017
Author: Quote58
Type: Assembly
Rating: Pending
[download] Download.asm (483 downloads)
[download] v2 Download.asm (504 downloads)
Game: SM
Game Timer

This little bit of asm puts an ingame timer onto the hud so you can see how you're doing while playing. Unfortunatly there isn't much room on the vanilla hud, so it only show minutes and seconds, but if someone has a better idea for placement, I'll update the .asm with that.


Game Timer, v2

This version puts a game timer on the top line just above the map. To change the placement, change the LDA #$581B to whatever you want, but only on the hud. Otherwise any moving fx will move the timer as well. (the hud is fx3 as well but that top area is locked that way, so the moving fx only affects things under the hud).
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