GBX style CRE
Release Date: Dec 10, 2017
Author: Crys
Type: Graphics
Rating: Pending
[download] IPS Patch (482 downloads)
Game: SM
GBA styled CRE

Right I have been planing to give this out for a long time. I did not mainly since I was to lazy to mash them up and make a patch.
Right, So this is a mix of the fusion and zero mission CRE.gfx I did make. I did take the stuff I did like most and mashed them in.

Why is it a patch and not a .gfx? Since you have to make a few changes in the GFX editor. And with a patch you don't.

I don't mind if you don't credit me for this. But I don't want any one to claim they made it them self. Some stuff are rips. But some stuff here is custom to look in the same type.
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