MarioFan2468's Ratings and Reviews
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Metroid Fusion Master Quest V2 by Gameringly [MF Exploration], rated by MarioFan2468 on Sep 19, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
60% in 4:43
yes i liked this hack
its hard but not because you have to go through instakill enemies or execute some very hard and obscure glitch, you just have to use your brain
at first the puzzles are a bit simple, but when you gain enough upgrades they become really cool
i especially liked the securitylock4 gauntlet where you went all over the place in new rooms to try and get the lock open

i did not understand this for about 60-70% of my playthrough, but the way forward is always in the rooms you recently gain access to
a lot of times i would go back too far and search in rooms that did not lead anywhere
also yeah the platform to drop through in sector 6, i figured it out after a while, but then i thought there would be more of those later in the hack so i tried dropping through everywhere else uselessly

aside from those minor problem its a good hack
navigation guy is funy
it will test your metroiding skills thoroughly
try it now