Metroid Volonus
Release date: Nov 25, 2017
Author: Alex S
Download: v1.1 Hotfix 2 (46 downloads)
Download: (Old) 2017 Fall Contest v5 (19 downloads)
Genre: Quick Play [?]
Game: MZM
Difficulty: Vanilla [?]
Average runtime: 0:31
Average collection: 79%
Read Me: [None]
Forum Thread: Forum Thread
Rating: Star Star Star Star Star
Other Links: Trailer (Old)



Beatable, but possibly not complete. All major items in vanilla MZM are obtainable in this hack.
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Ratings and Reviews
By Cosmic on Oct 15, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
90% in 0:43
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Volonus is a lesson of what NOT to do when making a hack, how NOT to handle constructive criticism, and how NOT to take YOUR criticism too far.

It's infamous for how it got a lot of things wrong -- as if the author had a checklist for what NOT to do in a hack and ticked the boxes one-by-one.

- Map Errors
- Tiling Errors
- Collision Errors & Inconsistencies
- Mandatory Heat Run
- Mandatory Suitless Underwater
- Items are too easy to get most of the time, and cryptic at other times.
- Issues with HUD graphics
- Treats players like this was their introduction to MZM
- Softlocks
- Issues that require reloading the ROM to fix

The issues with this hack attracted a lot of criticism from people which was mostly constructive, but not handled well by the author. To put the blame entirely on the author wouldn't be fair though - There were critics who definitely did go too far and insulted the hack and/or the author. It's a shame because I think we have scared them away from making any more hacks.

But this isn't a main site upload of shame - This hack was made with good intentions! I think we should all remember and respect that, despite its flaws.

With that out of the way, Yes there's a lot wrong with it but it is still a somewhat enjoyable "junk food" hack that you can beat in less than an hour. There's way worse out there.

Recommended to new ZM hackers as an educational tool, and players new to ZM hacks.
By Cpt.Glitch on Oct 17, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
61% in 0:15
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The meme hack of ZM. Does is deserve it? Maybe.
There are tiling errors, bad door transitions, bad palettes, etc.
It is clear that Volonus was the creator's first hack. That's fine. What is not fine is that he took all parties criticisms as hating and after a certain point, stopped developing the hack. Who knows how the hack would have turned up if the criticism was received differently.
By SpineShark on Apr 22, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
86% in 0:37
This hack has a lot of jank, no doubt about it. The geemers falling off edges because of weird clipdata is kinda amusing though.
Gameplay-wise I think it's alright, nothing struck me as offensively bad.
A shame that the author stopped working on it.

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