Gaslight, Gate Glitch, Miniboss
Release date: Apr 01, 2023
Author: Croakomire
Download: GGG Redux V1.1 (189 downloads)
(69 downloads of previous versions)
Genre: Unknown [?]
Game: SM
Difficulty: Veteran [?]
Average runtime: 0:38
Average collection: 9%
Read Me: Read Me
Forum Thread: [None]
Rating: Star Star Star Star Star
For full immersion, let the opening title zoom out.

Custom tracks arranged by Croakomire.
All original music these tracks are based on belong to their respective artists.
Screenshot Screenshot
Ratings and Reviews
By RT-55J on Apr 02, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Utter nonsense that feels like it requires savestates and peeking in the editor to feasibly complete.

Got up to the third room before quitting. Did not finish.

Giving two orbs for living up to the gaslighting and gate-glitching parts of the hack's title, and a presumptive third orb under the assumption that the hack lives up to its promise of including a miniboss. (This orb will be docked if it is found that a miniboss is not actually present in the hack.)

It's got some Quality Trolling, as we call it. Highly recommended for people who want to make fools of themselves.
By shaktool7 on Apr 02, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Spent an hour in the landing site and honestly this gaslight me so well. Two stars because there's the gaslighting and gate-glitching promised, and another for the dedicated effort.
By ClaireDiviner on Nov 02, 2023 (Star Star Star Star Star )
9% in 0:38
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Given that this game was released on April Fool's Day 2023, I have to rate it accordingly. This game promises everything that the title advertises, so there's points for that. You need to know some obscure tech to get through several of the game's rooms. Everything else is just execution, really. Only thing preventing me from giving this a perfect 5/5 is the first save room, which commands perfect gate glitching thrice in a row, which sucks.

I only recommend for those who are willing to see how far they can go, and for the novelty of it.
By Metaquarius on Feb 11, 2024 (Star Star Star Star Star )
No completion stats.
Red Crateria in 2023 ? Isn't that meme overdone at this point ? Most attempts at comedy/trolling fall flat since well, you see, that has been done countless times in the past. In other words, subversive tiling and enemies (what you see isn't what you get) have been largely covered by Golden Dawn and the likes in the 2000's, just without ghastly custom music. Short-charging and expert tricks are required to progress.

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